
Thursday, July 13, 2017

Waiting for the dust to settle

As things in my life continue to rearrange themselves, my thoughts wrestle with each other for superiority. Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and financial goals crowd the space that I usually have in my head to work things out. It's like having too many pallets in the aisles at work and not being able to move around.

Everything needs to be addressed, but I'm not sure which problem to address first.

It is very difficult for me to stay at rest, which seems to be the foremost problem in my life at the moment. That's why I know it's important. When I used to train, I was tested immediately upon deciding to embrace the challenge. When I decided to focus on patience, it was gravely tested. When I decided to try to let go of my ego, I was presented with more opportunities to embrace narcissism and to abandon humility.

At a time when I need order in my life, I don't have a freaking clue how to organize anything but to let it organize itself. Things happen as they need to, but I cannot let go of control altogether. I need to pick something to focus on, something to tether myself to progress.

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