
Sunday, September 30, 2018

#321- Rediscovering My Goddess

I rediscovered my Goddess this evening. I guess you could call it a spiritual awakening.

For a while, I had turned away from Her in pursuit of something that would give me a sense of power that I never actually found. Tonight, I find Power and Strength in a working relationship with the Goddess that I have known for several years, the Goddess to Whom I prayed to help me get sober, and Who has given me so much insight into raising my daughter.

There's a sense of healing that comes with the sudden shift, but it wasn't easy. I asked my Goddess to fill my heart and to remove from me all those things which no longer serve me, so that I can in turn serve Her with purity. Purity, Simplicity, and the awareness that the Universe speaks in whispers are the basic requirements for obtaining a sense of spiritual accomplishment along the Pagan path. I learned this a very long time ago, but a failed marriage, a divorce and rapid succession of relapses led me to abandon spirituality in favor of playing my hand close.

Those precious, toxic negative energies almost ate me alive, and that was my mistake.

I now have 18 months sober and the Goddess I rejected has called me back into Her embrace. It's warm here. The relief of truly humbling myself before a Higher Power is overwhelming. My spiritual battery is on the mend, and I feel more in control than I did when I was wandering the 'Drift'--reference a previous post by the same title--looking for a port.

For now, I'm home.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

#320- CBD oil and resuming journaling

I know I started typing my journal entries into this blog. I may start doing that again. I've been reading a lot lately, and writing a lot, and conclusions that I reached in manic leanings several years ago--which I forgot about--have begun to resurface under more sober circumstances.

I've been using CBD oil regularly and have noticed a profound change in my emotional energy levels. I'm not afraid to feel things anymore. I laugh more heartily. I smile more genuinely.

My room and car have been spotless for weeks.

These are conditions to which I am not accustomed and it will take some time for me to learn to navigate them, but above all I feel as though I'm on the right path.

Now, let's see where I left off in terms of journaling.

See you on my new Facebook page!