
Friday, July 5, 2019


I met someone the other night, and by happenstance was reminded that more important than looking for answers is asking the right questions.

We count the years that count our breaths but do we breathe with purpose? Do we claim to be of a certain calling but neglect to express that sentiment when no one sees?

Monday, April 15, 2019

#329- Long But Beautiful and Artistic Entry

I wanted to first thank all my readers, what few they are--there used to be more--for entertaining my eccentricity. I've gone from motivated to a lack of motivation, from deep depression to slowly putting the pieces back together, and from 'I'm going to do this' to 'why bother?'

It all points to the same thing...this blog is my voice when I can't seem to get my physical voice to work, and my head is a line of shit storms as far as the eye can see.

I knew I was at least a little crazy. That I thought this blog would swell to the size of my ego fit right in.

But I'm beginning to understand the way my insanity works believe it or not, and I've begun to get flashes of how life works, too, regardless of where I fit into that design.

The following is from an excerpt of a journal entry I wrote last night in about twenty minutes:

'I knew it didn't make sense. Not in the way I know that one plus one equals two--does it?--but in a more distant, nagging way.

There exists a Limbo. On one side are those fallacies we only regard as such on a subconscious level. On the other, those fallacies we recognize for what they are and continue to actively ignore, led on by the (strange) notion that this time will be different.

For our purposes, the Limbo is a world wherein the fallacies coexist.

For a long time, the concept of 'resetting' sat in my Limbo jar and festered there like a boil. Today, I unscrewed the lid and peered excitedly into the jar.

Surely a holy shit moment lay in wait!

A short pause for dramatic effect and---

Holy shit! I found exactly what I thought I would...a solution that fed right into the problem.

'I need to reset,' I would say. (my mom is going to start moaning it in her sleep soon). Then I would march upstairs and do absolutely nothing, but I would also be no closer to eliminating the need to escape.

When I opened that jar, I realized that I had always regarded 'resetting' as elusive, well out of my reach and stressful rather than restorative. On the heels of that realization came the image of a bottle of CBD oil, and a word: tincture.

A tincture. What if I regarded my reality as a tincture instead of a data center that must be purged for several hours at the introduction of a new stimulus to function properly?

A tincture. A mixture, if you will, of coping mechanisms to which I can add, and from which I can remove (or purge if you will) as needed, instead of blowing the whole thing away and starting over?'

The clarity, as indicated by the amount of time it took me to write it, and the wistful, creative, comedic approach I chose to express myself, comes on the heels of cleaning out my room, my closet, and bit by piece, little by slow, my car.

I've begun to realize that the amount of stress in my life all comes back to how much work I want to create for myself. For example:

Every time I ignore something that needs to be done, I add that something to the list of things I need to do the next day.

By contrast, the more crap I clear away with the understanding that I don't need to make more work for myself, the more crap I can prevent myself from ever needing to clear piles of dirty laundry on the floor of my room (everything in my room is where and how I want it. Leaving a pile of dirty laundry from the day before will compromise the sanctity), recyclables from my car (for the last few days I've removed several miscellaneous items from my car just to say I did it, in addition to any trash and recyclables I've accumulated on the day), and...

Holy shit. Trying to 'reset' when I know for a fact that it won't work!

See you on my new Facebook page!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

#328- I miss my daughter

Usually I'm so preoccupied thinking myself in circles that by the time Olivia gets home I've run myself ragged doing next to nothing, a blank stare drawn across my face.

Today I have the stare as I often do, but I find myself missing Olivia. Yesterday when she came home we sat down together and she read me a story out of one of her books. It was a bonding experience and it was awesome.

Missing her comes on the heels of a surrender of sorts...I lack the energy to give a shit about much of anything right now except for Olivia, because when I focus on Olivia, I can set the pain down--pain from self-sabotage, from obsessive thoughts, from my self-esteem or lack thereof--and allow her energies, her excitement, and our relationship heal me.

A welcome adjustment to my list of priorities.

See you on my new Facebook page!

Saturday, March 2, 2019

A new direction in my thinking...

For awhile, I thought that the most focused causal link (conserving energy in executive management) was the answer to my problems. It is an answer, one of many, but it does not carry the spiritual weight that I thought I did.

I can tap-tap my way through life, but when I obsess over how to conserve energy I'm not focusing on the moment or the feelings the moment calls for.

Once I realized that executive management had much less to do with Nirvana than I thought, I started entertaining creative leanings. I went fishing yesterday and took pictures. Last night I watched a movie I like and ordered a pizza. Later, I took a picture of the wood stove glowing in the dark.

Before I went to bed, I journaled with my left hand as part of my training, and actually enjoyed doing it because I knew it wasn't as important as I had thought it was, just a little piece. I won't know how important it is until I apply it to moments where I'm also sucking the joy out of life like a damn lemon.

I don't want to be empty anymore.

See you on my new Facebook page!

Thursday, February 28, 2019

CBD journal, back to training (finally)

I've noticed that the more I post, the more pageviews I have on a regular basis.

I forgot about that for awhile.

That being said, the more page views I do get, the more motivated I am to make positive changes in my life.

I've been gradually increasing my dose of CBD oil over the last few weeks. I now take 60mg in the morning and 60mg at night. My sciatica, which would ordinarily be bothering me because of the amount of driving I have been doing lately, is a non-issue. I am no longer depressed and have now begun to experience a level of clarity in my executive functioning that is so sharp it's almost freaking me out.

I keep thinking back to how I would train my brain with little challenges like avoiding looking at certain clocks in the room, going set lengths of time without looking at my phone (I can't do that one anymore), doing the speed limit when I was in a rush, and I realized that all those little experiments in stepping outside of my comfort zone made it easier for me to stay in the moment for long enough to accomplish whatever I needed to.

Another interesting point is that I seemed to be able to stay exceptionally calm under pressure.

How can I challenge myself today?

See you on my new Facebook page!

Saturday, February 9, 2019

CBD Oil Journal- 1st four doses

I took my first dose Wednesday during an outbreak of seborrheic dermatitis (minor skin condition).

I took my first dose sublingually around noon. Immediately I felt my mind slowing down but my reaction time was sufficient to drive.

Three hours later, all of a sudden I felt extremely high. This feeling eventually went away. I took my sleeping pill that night.

The next morning, Thursday, I noted that my seborrheic dermatitis was slightly less symptomatic, as though something were killing it. An interested point to note is that when my alarm went off at 6:30, I set it for 7. When my alarm went off at 7, I decided that I just didn't have the mental stamina to fight a losing battle with my alarm clock so I just got up. This is very unusual for me. My mood was very elevated for the first hour of the day.

That night, I decided to replace my sleeping pill with the CBD oil. Again, around 7:30pm, I took 28mg sublingually. I didn't sleep well. I kept waking up, shifting. I could tell that my sleep was not as high quality as with a sleeping pill but refused to let myself take one.

The next morning, Friday, I woke up tired but very clear. My seborrheic dermatitis was much better, my skin was much softer and my mood was much better. I was motivated. I went fishing, though tired, and was moved by the sudden realization that I needed more creative expression in my life, so I started taking pictures.

Last night I took 28mg sublingually and slept without my seroquel. I'm very tired but clear. I really want to back off the experiment but I want to see if I'll get tired enough to get a full night's sleep without my seroquel. My seborrheic dermatitis is almost completely gone.

About 20 minutes ago, Saturday, I decided to take half a dose (14mg) sublingually to see how a more consistent regimen would affect me and also to see how I would respond to CBD oil during the day. There's a bit of fogginess that I can offset with another medication later if I need to. The feeling of dissociation I had on Wednesday is completely gone.

See you on my new Facebook page!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

I just did something kind of cool...

So lately I've been very angry for no apparent reason. Three days of being completely stressed out. I was thinking people were against me, and I was making myself sick feeling as though people were challenging my beliefs when for one, they weren't, and two, who cares if people challenge my beliefs if I hold them as truths? What's the point of believing in something if those beliefs can be shaken so easily?

Well, today, I took a few deep breaths, sat with my anger for what it was and started basing my responses on the truth of the situation instead my insecurities. I didn't want to let my anger go because I was afraid of what I would be left with.

It's actually not that bad.

It just took some time and a little bit of effort.

I've read that the ability to turn anger into laughter is a sign of being high energy. I'm not able to do that yet but I was getting close about a week ago when I decided to embrace the Way of the Peaceful Warrior again.

Nothing was bothering me. Nothing got under my skin. Thoughts and feelings and emotions were just neurons and I was in the moment and free!

I looked at my blog performance expecting to find zeros since I haven't posted in quite some time. I actually got 70 hits on January 2nd. That tells me that people still read my old stuff, and if they're reading my old stuff, it has to be worth something.

So here goes nothing, I'm back...and I don't care who doesn't care what my arguments for spirituality are.

See you on my new Facebook page!