
Friday, February 16, 2018

It's a lie...

Well, maybe not a lie, but a half-truth, anyway, to maintain a blog about spiritual living and then to turn around five minutes later and be a dick to the people around me trying to get by just like I am.

Even though I have a larger audience through Your Tewksbury Today, sometimes I need to blow off some steam and let things roll off my sleeve without censorship.

So here it is: I am a very angry individual. I'm going to start going to meetings again. Alcoholics think the whole fucking world is about them, right? 70,000 people at Gillette Stadium and it's me that Brady is talking about when he pulls everyone into the huddle.

I'm done with the paranoia and the conspiracy theories. They're just too much to keep up with. Fuck it. I'm done. I need to keep the peace with the people who live here and that's just not possible if I'm being selfish all the time.

Make of that what you will, I needed to get it out. I'm a soldier, not a shithead. Part of being a warrior is keeping the light in your life as close to your heart as possible. That means telling the truth.

See you on my new Facebook page!

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