
Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Confirmed diabetic

I got a letter in the mail with my test results. Even though my doctors are in disagreement about whether or not I have diabetes, my A1C says I have it. So until I'm below a 6.5, I'll assume the worst. I went on a several day long food binge but since receiving the letter I've managed to keep my sugars well within range.

I slowed down on the meditating and applying my essential oils. I think I felt as though I couldn't credit myself with the meditation time since it was guided. Then again, I did screw up on my diet and the last time I started meditating on a regular basis I believe it was because I was eating right. I don't want to fall out of the habit altogether.

See you on my new Facebook page!

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Adding challenge questions to my nightly routine

I'm still meditating and applying my essential oils on a regular basis. I have added two things to my nightly routine. The Tapping Solution (accupressure activation to reduce fight or flight) and asking myself one challenge question per night. Last night's: if I could give my personality a color, who would I trust to paint it? Each challenge question is poised to inspire creativity, to help me identify the things in my life which make my life worth living, and to help me develop a deeper appreciation for them.

I binged the other day but I am back on a carb-limited diet, and as a means of stress relief I have decided to pay off my credit card bill a month early and from here on to live within my means. That is something with which I've struggled for the majority of my life, but with all of the other benefits that I have been enjoying which seem to have spawned from this nightly routine, I am hoping that tighter financial control will become a lot easier for me. In the intern I'm taking a short sabbatical, because I need to reevaluate my priorities.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Possibly diabetic

... resultantly I'm 4 days into a carbohydrate detox and I have already lost 10 lb. 10 down. 50 to go until I am at my ideal weight. for the last several weeks I have been applying essential oils in the morning and at night, and meditating at a frequency to which I am unaccustomed. I would say that I have had successful meditations for 20 out of the last 30 days. I'm on my way into work some more on this later but I had forgotten that I even maintain the blog, so I wanted to reinforce the reminder with the universe.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Taking a short social sabbatical...

This comes in the wake of two weeks of applying my essential oils almost every morning and every night, and meditating almost every night as well.

This marks the first time I've ever done that.

I haven't had a cigarette in five days. I'm using the nicotine patch, and with the recent change in my lifestyle, my I'm noting an increase in energy that I'm not quite sure what to do with.

I have the crawls. The smallest bit of interaction with anyone is apt to send me over the edge, so I'm avoiding my friends because I don't want to lose them. Next on my list is avoiding financial trouble and shortly thereafter, avoiding carbohydrates, but one damn thing at a time.

See you on my new Facebook page!