
Thursday, February 2, 2017

Meet Sebastian...

...a 1 year old hermit crab who has just been relocated from a crabitat that I got the Christmas before last into a clothes bin lined with sand and an assortment of crab 'toys.' One of those toys is the coconut shell I took from my power box, the one that ultimately taught me how to use the drill bit machine in the garage.

Olivia used to be terrified of Sebastian. Ever since I was able to introduce them to each other properly, however, she can't stop watching him, and if she's not watching him, she's talking about watching him. I actually purchased Sebastian for Olivia for her third birthday and beat my head against the wall trying to get her interested. I eventually claimed him as my own.

I have a special affinity with hermit crabs. When I was living in Lowell, I had two of them. This was during a spiritually tumultuous phase of development which later evolved into The Introvert Exposed. Every time I would go through a major change or come to a conclusion that changed my entire perspective on life, one of them would either molt or switch shells.

Sebastian is no exception. The relocation to a bigger tank is symbolic of my ever-expanding perspective on life.

Pets in general, plants included, seem to change with me. The spider plant saplings I took from Shelley struggled to life but now appear to be thriving in the wake of my having taken personal inventory, something I've been meaning to incorporate into my life for some time now.

Shelley is strong and vibrant.

My pets know me. They know when things are not as they should be. They also know when I've tapped into familiar sources of strength and serenity. Just as Sebastian is adjusting to his new surroundings, I am adjusting to spiritual currents that are much more slowly moving than the currents to which I've grown accustomed over the last four months, and which seem to present a whole new landscape. I'm either in a proverbial traffic jam or I just took a detour.

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