
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Quantum Exposed: Wresting Color from the Canvas; 8

This 'House Rule' and others can be found in Dan Millman's book Living on Purpose. I accredit all direct quotations regarding the House Rules to Dan Millman. The subsequent lay analysis is mine. I want to be clear on one thing: I am not being paid to convey the information contained herewith. My intention is to use the concepts contained herewith to give my more ambitious readers, including myself, a Universal Law on which to reflect daily.

  1. Earth is a school and daily life is our classroom
  2. Our teachers come in many forms
  3. We learn best through direct experience
  4. Failures are the stepping stones to success
  5. Lessons reappear until we learn them
  6. If we don’t learn the easy lessons, they get harder
  7. Consequences teach better than concepts
  8. Only action brings ideas to life

The other night, I decided to start a book for my daughter, documenting our enthusiasm, lessons in parenting (just had that idea now) and the way I see her from my finite perspective. She already knows what Zen means and is beginning to understand it. I look forward to the day that she becomes aware of the sense of freedom that goes along with objectivity.

The point is...I decided to start the book. Refer here to an excerpt from one of my favorite posts:

Someone told me a joke the other night that I found almost too cute to have a practical application, but...*coughs it up reluctantly* There are three frogs on a log. Two of them decide to jump off. How many frogs are left on the log? How many of you picked 1 as your answer? How many picked 3? 3 frogs remain on the log, because two of them merely decided to jump off, and if they're like many of us, they probably haven't moved a muscle.

Stop deciding and start doing. Remember, no amount of effort in the Universe goes unnoticed by the forces that matter. Your life will get better once you decide to *ribbit, croak*TAKE THE LEAP! 

Bar stool dreams have their place in our lives. They can fuel creativity and soften lines of wear along the brows of those who have watched their entire lives go by thinking about doing something.

Take your next bar stool dream a step further. We cannot will our way into action. Changes occur from the outside in. Nothing in your power will change if you do not force change upon it. We can invite all the creativity and intuition and motivation in all the Universe into our hearts.

Ideas are always available, but we must forcibly manipulate them into solid reality.
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