
Friday, April 27, 2018

1st full day gluten free...

I did okay with my training today, not perfect, but okay. I'm not writing tonight but I will be tomorrow morning before work and likely after work as well. I'm excited to report that this is the first full day in several months where I've managed to avoid gluten altogether. I'm going through the sugar detox so I'm testy, but the ultimate goal of bringing my A1C down will probably increase my lifespan, so I'll take it.

With the privacy I have tomorrow after work, I need to buckle down on the writing. I did burn out a bit but last night I expanded my categories and I've been getting signs from the universe in the form of monetary rewards that I need to keep up the good work. I'm onto something.

Olivia and I had a very good day. We found an awesome Nintendo game called Dig Dug that we played together. Olivia found solace in organic strawberry yogurt, chicken and french fries and I won her favor by getting her a cookie at Market Basket.

We threw rocks in the water today. That was fun. It was nice to get out. It was absolutely gorgeous today. This marks the first day this year that I was able to wear my denim jacket. I need more clothes. I have nothing springy. It's all jeans, bathing suits and sweatpants, and one work shirt that actually fit me. Olivia has a ton of clothes I haven't put her in that she's growing out of. Oh, including the dragon costume that she wore for Halloween last year. She was all too excited to wear it to Wal-Mart earlier today.

Tomorrow's training will be all about writing. If I spend 4 hours on Constant-Content, I win!!

See you on my new Facebook page!

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