
Tuesday, May 1, 2018

I caught my very first carp today!; my meditation group/room

The fight only lasted about 1.5 seconds, but it was unmistakably a carp. I got a glimpse of it as it ripped the hook off my line (my bad). I would it give it two feet, maybe a little smaller, but it was extremely satisfying. I also caught my first fish of the season, a small catfish.

Having finally caught a carp after so long felt about as good as if I had only had the idea yesterday. It was weird. I've envisioned hooking one so many times that when it actually happened I almost wasn't surprised. I'm glad I was standing on the heel of my rod. If I wasn't, it would have been in the water. I got one more carp hit later in day but he spit out the oatmeal I was using. It's definitely a waiting game.

For anyone interested there was a small tap at the end of my rod. Then he ran with it...hard. He hooked himself on my weight and then freaked out. The commitment to the bait was unintentional, but he was hooked as soon as he hit it and knew it.

I need to get better at kneading the oatmeal onto the hook shank but I'm considering leaving the tip of the hook barely exposed so that when the fish takes the oatmeal, there's a chance that the hook will stay in it's throat even if it tries to spit out the oatmeal. It worked with the catfish--oatmeal works amazingly by the way. I was questioning its efficacy but I got several hits on the Concord River using the oatmeal, which is what prompted me to head out to the boulevard.

I have my meditation group tonight. I think I may give myself permission to go to the room in my head when I meditate. I do have a lot going on in that room. I did try to scrap it but have not utilized the new version often enough for it to replace the old one. The rule seems to be the more I utilize the imagery, the more it make sense, the more of it I can feel and see. I can feel the dirt of my garden between my toes. I can feel the blades of grass beneath my bare feet as I step out of the garden. It's dusk and I'm overlooking a landscape with rolling hills and woods.

It's always dusk in there, though, because the summer night is the most comfortable for me.

I feel out of it, distant, detached. I would go as far as to say that I don't feel right, but it could be all the sun I got today. In any case, I wanted to report while I still remembered to do so.

See you on my new Facebook page!

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