
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Finding a date worth dating...

I've not given up, but I've decided to let the Universe put someone in my life when I'm ready to have them. I'm not necessarily alone. I have all my readers. I have a couple of friends. I have my little girl.

I feel like being alone from a romantic perspective at this point in my life is the Universe's way of telling me there is still work to be done on my part. You can just get a whole lot more done as one person than a couple can accomplish as two.

I need to see where things land before rushing into something I'm probably not ready for.

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I'm holding myself back. Why?

I was telling someone this morning that if the Law of Attraction holds true, I needed to change my perspective. I can send vast amounts of positive energy into the Universe, but if I'm hating on myself while doing that, all I'm going to get back is conflict.

To be sure, the undertow of negative energies has brought much polarity to my life. I tend to find either complete serenity or complete chaos. I have yet to find a happy medium.

On the other hand, were it not for the amount of stress I tend to carry or for the conflicts that brought much of that stress to realization, I would not have had the opportunity to dig as deeply into my soul as I would have liked to.

Today, I'm getting better.
Today, I love myself.
Today, I am learning
Today, I am growing.

Let's see where these affirmations get me today.

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Monday, February 27, 2017

Per Request: Quantum Physics for the Non-Scientist!

One of the last courses I took in my college tenure was Applied Chemistry for the Non-Scientist. I took it only because I needed to satisfy a science requirement in order to graduate.

Fret not. Quantum physics is nowhere near as complicated or mind-numbing as chemistry, and infinitely more practical in it's application...literally.

The Universe is nothing more than an echo.

This is called the Law of Attraction. Whatever we inject into the Universe, we invite to be echoed back to us. Think of it as standing before a mirror with a one-second time delay. You pick your nose and the 10 people in the mirror start picking all 100 of their noses one second later.

Everything in the universe has a gravitational pull. If we spend money compulsively, we can expect our financial impulsivity to be magnified in the near future because our message to the Universe in making a purchase we don't necessarily need to is that we have money to burn.

If we become angry and stay that way in spite of realizing that we probably don't need to, we can expect to become more angry and to stay that way for even longer--this is the springboard for Murphy's Law; anything that can go wrong will go wrong...because we are expecting it to go wrong.

The Law of Attraction is objective. He who says he can and he who says he cannot are both usually right. We become (as in create) what we think about most of the time.

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Sunday, February 26, 2017

What is anger?

This article was written by biology expert Regina Bailey and posted on
"What changes occur in the body when we get angry? Scientists from the University of Valencia have discovered how anger affects the brain, hormonal responses and other body systems. Anger causes significant changes in brain activity, heart rate, blood vessel tension and hormone production. Anger is also associated with increased activity in the left hemisphere of the brain, particularly in the frontal lobe and temporal lobe.
Thirty men participated in the study in which each was induced to anger. Several vital stats were taken before and after the men became angry including heart rate, arterial tension, testosterone level and cortisol level. Their state of mind was determined as well. The results showed that when the men became angry their heart rate, arterial tension and testosterone level increased. However, their level of the stress managing hormone cortisol decreased. When angered, the men reported having a negative state of mind."
First off, a thank you to the men who participated in the study. I would never...not in a million years, intentionally expose myself to being induced to anger. So deeply do I value my serenity that the moment someone poses a threat to it, I am instantaneously roused to complete panic, and my first instinct is to flip out.
I realized today, however, that even if I'm provoked by someone else, I am responsible for managing my reaction to it. This comes in the wake of being completely thrown off balance by Olivia challenging me, which, by the way, is her job. As an adult, I am responsible for managing my emotions. As a toddler, she is not. She is the student, I am the teacher, which puts maintaining the intensity of any situation with her involved squarely on my shoulders.
I am responsible for my physical and spiritual health. I cannot neglect my emotional needs just because someone has thrown me off balance.
It is my responsibility to get back on the beam!
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Thursday, February 23, 2017

The Cave of Reconciliation...

Suppose there is a cave at the top of the world that will echo any word that you speak into it across the lands bringing change. But you can only pick one word, and you can either scream it or whisper it. Which word would you pick?

This got a really good response on Facebook. Coupled with having the sudden urge to relieve my wallet of yet another business card this morning (yes, you), having considered asking this question on this blog has ultimately made the decision for me. Feel free to have a look around! 

I'm eight questions into the Quantum Exposed series right now. You can find it in the page bar across the top of your screen :)

Welcome aboard.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

How to clear a decision...

This is something I've been working on recently and my confidence is rising because of it. 

I've jumped into the dating scene with both feet, and it takes guts to initiate conversations with people, especially given a long history of people throwing me the friendship bone and hauling ass in the other direction as soon as I decide to go after it.

It practically goes against my biology.

But I remembered something I once taught myself about self-respect, and that is that any decision I make out of self-respect, I can clear. I cannot clear any decision that I've made based on fear, because fear based decisions are merely responses, like Sebastian curling up into his shell whenever Olivia screams into his enclosure.

The reality is I deserve someone, and if the law of attraction is as reliable as I believe it to be, I'm not going to find that special someone without reaching for them. The sweetest fruits are not procured with ease. The greater the challenge, the greater the reward.

I cannot justify avoiding flirtation just because I run the risk of getting shot down. I would rather try and fail than live with having never tried.  

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Saturday, February 18, 2017

Acting your way into relief...

I can't find the post that I'm looking for and it's bugging me, but I guess the Universe wants a new one instead of a repost.

Have you ever felt as though you didn't have enough time in your day to get done all the doing nothing that you need to do?

I used to use the time when my daughter was away to process everything that had happened over the course of that week, but by the time she came home I would be more burned out from doing nothing than I would have been chasing her around all day.

Have you ever felt like you needed a vacation from the vacation you're about to finishing taking? How nice is it to come home and start a load of laundry or to shower in your own bathroom or to mow your lawn, now too long to meet acceptable standards?

The brain will only tolerate a lack of stress for so long. Think of kicking back as drawing a deep clean breath of fresh air. Now breathe in. Don't stop. Keep going, breathe in!

Wait a minute, how does that make sense?

It makes sense because you need to let go of the breath you've already drawn in to take another. Each breath that you take grows stale and must be expelled. Each new set of circumstances is a fresh canvas no matter how much we resist the changes they bring.

Physically doing nothing to process days worth of stress is like trying to wash water out of your ears in the shower.

For days I have let things pile up by spending all this time doing nothing waiting for my problems to go away. It just kept getting worse.

This morning, I woke up and decided that I had had enough. I opened the shades in my room, threw all my laundry down, started a load, took my medication, fed my daughter, watered my plants, brushed my teeth, showered and ran some errands.

What a relief it is to take action!

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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Quantum Exposed: Wresting Color from the Canvas; 8

This 'House Rule' and others can be found in Dan Millman's book Living on Purpose. I accredit all direct quotations regarding the House Rules to Dan Millman. The subsequent lay analysis is mine. I want to be clear on one thing: I am not being paid to convey the information contained herewith. My intention is to use the concepts contained herewith to give my more ambitious readers, including myself, a Universal Law on which to reflect daily.

  1. Earth is a school and daily life is our classroom
  2. Our teachers come in many forms
  3. We learn best through direct experience
  4. Failures are the stepping stones to success
  5. Lessons reappear until we learn them
  6. If we don’t learn the easy lessons, they get harder
  7. Consequences teach better than concepts
  8. Only action brings ideas to life

The other night, I decided to start a book for my daughter, documenting our enthusiasm, lessons in parenting (just had that idea now) and the way I see her from my finite perspective. She already knows what Zen means and is beginning to understand it. I look forward to the day that she becomes aware of the sense of freedom that goes along with objectivity.

The point is...I decided to start the book. Refer here to an excerpt from one of my favorite posts:

Someone told me a joke the other night that I found almost too cute to have a practical application, but...*coughs it up reluctantly* There are three frogs on a log. Two of them decide to jump off. How many frogs are left on the log? How many of you picked 1 as your answer? How many picked 3? 3 frogs remain on the log, because two of them merely decided to jump off, and if they're like many of us, they probably haven't moved a muscle.

Stop deciding and start doing. Remember, no amount of effort in the Universe goes unnoticed by the forces that matter. Your life will get better once you decide to *ribbit, croak*TAKE THE LEAP! 

Bar stool dreams have their place in our lives. They can fuel creativity and soften lines of wear along the brows of those who have watched their entire lives go by thinking about doing something.

Take your next bar stool dream a step further. We cannot will our way into action. Changes occur from the outside in. Nothing in your power will change if you do not force change upon it. We can invite all the creativity and intuition and motivation in all the Universe into our hearts.

Ideas are always available, but we must forcibly manipulate them into solid reality.
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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

A vow to think before I speak...

I once wrote a post entitled Aspergers: The Extra-Terrestrial Condition. I have been around for long enough to understand that I am the only creature on the planet who will ever see things exactly the way I do. I introduce myself and I feel, in the awkward silence before the other person decides to speak up, that they are thinking, Oh, God, not another one of those people.

I have always excelled with written communication, which is good, because communication with someone in the same room as me is like trying to communicate with someone from another galaxy. Far too many times, I've had important arguments dismissed as non sequiturs as though they were presented in an altogether unfamiliar dialect.

I've grown very tired of expending energy doing nothing but confusing the ever-living shit out of what few company I keep. I may hold certain individuals to a high regard, but on the levels most important to me, they will never look upon the Universe as I do.

Fellow 'Aspies' cling to this reality as a unit, our only commonality the fact that no two of us hold the key to each other's secret language. We throw a casual nod to one another, two ships passing in the night, and then it's back to whichever obsession we find ourselves entertaining at the time.

So, fuck it.

I'm done denying the reality that my reality is the only one I care about. I am a talented writer and spiritualist. I have much to offer my child, and I'm done beating down doors trying to get ideas across.

People will come, and if they don't...who cares?

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Friday, February 10, 2017

Why darkness falls...

...often we are afforded stark reminders of what doesn't work.

We thought something was missing from our lives so we tried to bring It back with liquor, sex, food, gambling and reaching for the company of those with lesser goals and dreams. Here, we found solace in membership. Failure was not only expected, but rewarded with  empathy.

It Takes some of us longer than others to realize that our relationship with these vices has begun to chip away at our serenity. Stroke by stroke we buried the spade trying to dig our way out of an ever expanding hole.

If we stop for a moment and let Love replace the efforts we've put into relieving ourselves of strife, we begin to understand that to take is to lose, and that to give away is to keep. The longer and harder we beat ourselves over the head with a proverbial hammer, the better it feels when we stop!

Sunday, February 5, 2017

I knew I kept the Blogger App on my phone for a reason...

It feels good to be blogging again after a short sabbatical and a moderately stressful week. I've discovered that as simple as life can be, I can always complicate the shit out of it if I feel that my problems aren't adding up as quickly as they probably should.

I'm rather familiar with the side of myself that enjoys sabotaging my efforts toward spiritual and financial freedom.

Its too freaking cold to fish but I still pay for parking and suffer through the winds to find the best spots not to catch anything.

I write about eating the frog and gag it down after a day of worrying about it.

I think I'm about ready to stop flailing and to just put my feet down again. Time to start praying and writing instead of looking for ways to do things differently. Time to stop fighting and start feeling.

God, if you can hear me, lets get reacquainted, and thank you for leading the Patriots to victory again!!

Writer's block...

Right now I see that huge door with a block hung from the door knob. It reads 'Writer's Block.'

Let's see where it goes...

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Thursday, February 2, 2017

Meet Sebastian...

...a 1 year old hermit crab who has just been relocated from a crabitat that I got the Christmas before last into a clothes bin lined with sand and an assortment of crab 'toys.' One of those toys is the coconut shell I took from my power box, the one that ultimately taught me how to use the drill bit machine in the garage.

Olivia used to be terrified of Sebastian. Ever since I was able to introduce them to each other properly, however, she can't stop watching him, and if she's not watching him, she's talking about watching him. I actually purchased Sebastian for Olivia for her third birthday and beat my head against the wall trying to get her interested. I eventually claimed him as my own.

I have a special affinity with hermit crabs. When I was living in Lowell, I had two of them. This was during a spiritually tumultuous phase of development which later evolved into The Introvert Exposed. Every time I would go through a major change or come to a conclusion that changed my entire perspective on life, one of them would either molt or switch shells.

Sebastian is no exception. The relocation to a bigger tank is symbolic of my ever-expanding perspective on life.

Pets in general, plants included, seem to change with me. The spider plant saplings I took from Shelley struggled to life but now appear to be thriving in the wake of my having taken personal inventory, something I've been meaning to incorporate into my life for some time now.

Shelley is strong and vibrant.

My pets know me. They know when things are not as they should be. They also know when I've tapped into familiar sources of strength and serenity. Just as Sebastian is adjusting to his new surroundings, I am adjusting to spiritual currents that are much more slowly moving than the currents to which I've grown accustomed over the last four months, and which seem to present a whole new landscape. I'm either in a proverbial traffic jam or I just took a detour.

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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Quantum Exposed: Wresting Color from the Canvas; 7

This 'House Rule' and others can be found in Dan Millman's book Living on Purpose. I accredit all direct quotations regarding the House Rules to Dan Millman. The subsequent lay analysis is mine. I want to be clear on one thing: I am not being paid to convey the information contained herewith. My intention is to use the concepts contained herewith to give my more ambitious readers, including myself, a Universal Law on which to reflect daily.

  1. Earth is a school and daily life is our classroom
  2. Our teachers come in many forms
  3. We learn best through direct experience
  4. Failures are the stepping stones to success
  5. Lessons reappear until we learn them
  6. If we don’t learn the easy lessons, they get harder
  7. Consequences teach better than concepts

The difference between knowledge and wisdom is that knowledge is latent. Wisdom allows us to experience things on every level. Knowledge is knowing how to brush your teeth. Wisdom is doing it. Concepts in and of themselves really mean nothing to us and arouse all but certainty. As children, we have the understanding that putting our hand on a hot stove will give us a booboo.

Parent A: "Don't you touch that stove, booboo."
Parent B: "Go ahead, touch it, see what happens."

Before we touched it for the first time, we didn't know any better. The second time we did it, we did, because it hurt like hell the first time. An extreme comparison, perhaps, but after putting my hand on a hot stove a number of times, I connected the dots...very painful ones.

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No more Android, finally...

Now that my last contact on my favorite chatting platform ran for the hills, I no longer have ties binding me to it. So I've uninstalled it, permanently.

I've probably said that before but this time it's real. I have no reason to be on there, which I believe is something for which I have been waiting for quite awhile.  Wanting it and knowing I need it used to be two different things.

They are now in perfect alignment with each other.

My Higher Power is pruning me, finding me where I'm needed rather than where I'm comfortable.

Short post. I'll update later.

Be well.

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