
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

A smash and grab on my car...and my response was gratitude?

Not tonight. Several years ago now, but it happened at a point in my life where I would write so much that my hand would cramp up and I would need to stop and fold laundry. This was when I worked third shift at a hotel in Tewksbury folding bed linens and towels and I could see the good in all things.

I woke up, got ready for work and walked outside at about 10:30pm to find that someone had smashed in both of my passenger side windows. 

Know what my first reaction was?

Wow, that broken glass looks beautiful in the floodlights.

I'm not kidding. It was gorgeous. I called work. Then I called the police. 

A few days later I woke up and discovered that someone had smashed in the small rear passenger side window and stolen a cup of quarters that I had been using for laundry. My first reaction: They probably need it to by Christmas presents. I hope it helps.

I want that back. I want the ability to maintain the coolest head in the room while I watch everyone else run around and freak out wasting energy on something they can't change. I've always known that I was happier at that time in my life than any other, and I used to think it was because I was writing a lot. It wasn't. It was because I was sober and strengthening my spirit by looking for the good in everything.

Lately, I've been getting tastes of it. Not big tastes, but the ones that really count, like when you're moving a box of sugar and all of a sudden your tongue comes alive with the taste of a few granules that you didn't see.

It takes so much work to mine those moments, but the deeper you go, the better it gets. I promise!

See you on my new Facebook page!

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