
Sunday, November 26, 2017

I'm getting more of myself back...

...the longer I stay alcohol free. I seem to be enjoying an influx of joy and spirituality that I haven't felt since my relapse eight years ago. I am coming up on eight months without a drink and the fog has begun to lift for me.

I am utilizing my meditation room again, putting others ahead of myself and working steadily. I am also writing consistently (at this point I'm working on the LGBTQ story I promised everyone). I am slowly getting back into the habit of reading and most importantly, my communication with my daughter has begun to improve as I continue to do whatever it takes to keep this motivational stretch alive.

I reorganized my room again today because I couldn't stand it the way it was, anymore. Feel free to take a more proactive approach to problems in your life. It's kind of a bitch just waiting until you feel as though you might burst if you don't dedicate yourself making a change instead of just waiting for it to happen.

Changes take effect from the outside in. Motivation needs to be invited. It cannot be forced. It cannot be bribed. It cannot be bought. It does not come in the form of a pill, a pipe, or even a blog. It comes when you invite it. I shall use this final long burn to join the living, even if all that means is sitting in a circle and reading out of a book.

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