
Monday, September 11, 2017

Thank you for not reading this...'s more important that I express myself presently than it is that people listen.

If you care to listen, come aboard. I've missed you, and more importantly, I've missed myself. I am back on the blogging bus, back to wearing my pentacle and my crucifix (I maintain that I am of no particular denomination but I try to emulate Christ as a pagan if that makes any sense).

I'm back to carrying my power beads on me, though I've yet to begin meditating on them again. I still know what each bead represents. There is a wooden bead in the middle of the string representing whatever I need that I don't know I need at the time, and it harnesses that quality.

From the center, bone beads representing: sobriety, serenity, self, patience, meditation, and love.

I colored 'patience' in blue because I was focused on it at the time. For now I just want to get back into the habit of carrying them on my person.

I am still sober. Props to my Higher Power whom I choose to call Not Me. I no longer feel the need to save the world. I got caught up in the blog bog maintaining my column with the newspaper, waiting with baited breath to find out how many hits each post got.

To hell with it. People will come. And if they don't...

Well, shit. Come on!

Yes, I'll say it. I have an ego. And of course I have a different perspective on things. I have Asperger's. The funny thing is when I share what works for me with other people, it starts working for those people, too. Little things, big doesn't matter. What matters is that I was born with a different perspective. I didn't earn it.

I have earned readership. I will give myself that credit, but if I am to be of any help to others, I need to stay the hell out of the way and let the Universe speak through me. I need to let the Universe afford me clarity. I need to let the Universe deliver the message in my tongue.

I need to feel my astral heartbeat again.  

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