
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Still on detox; Adhered to mindful parenting plan

My dad just got home so Olivia has been occupied for some time. I've been very mindful of her diet, as well as my degree of interaction with her, especially this morning. Yesterday I suggested that recording my phone fasting intentions might actually work since I've been doing everything else I've told my readers I was going to.

Wouldn't you know it? It was my first successful phone fast in months! I'm doing something similar today. I turned my phone off and it's in my car so I won't be tempted to go grab it. Abstinence from it is going to be much easier now that it's not in my room just waiting for me to go up there and search madly for *gasps* a reply on one of my messaging apps!

I would much rather hang out with Olivia, anyway.

I'm still on my sugar detox. I've mentally downgraded from a complete sugar detox to eating strategically throughout the day while avoiding as much added sugar as possible. I guess there's flour--if you could call it that--in my power bar, so it's not a full detox. Nonetheless, I'm no longer craving pastry. My energy level is through the roof, I'm more focused, less stressed, quicker on my feet, better rested and less in need of controlling every single thing in my environment.

I ordered the O. Henry Prize stories Volume 1919-1934 for only $7. That was a sweet deal, and I'm going to try to collect every year from then until now. Every year they pick 20 stories from the year before which have been published in magazines and periodicals and they release them in one volume with commentary from the authors. I find that the more I read, the stronger my writing gets and the more satisfied I am with letting the story tell itself.

I will update when Olivia is bed.

See you on my new Facebook page!

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