
Saturday, January 28, 2017

Welcome aboard, Louanne

My post "access to the spiritual current," written back in September, stood out against all others.

Now, in this third chapter of The Introvert Exposed, I find myself referring to it more than ever.

It would seem that what had been an overarching theme in chapter one has become a sharp focus.

Less effort on a more focused causal link.

How much physical and spiritual energy do we sacrifice for the need to exert our will over what is?

We chase a dog and the dog runs away. We sit and it comes to us. We run from a hornet and the hornet gives chase.  We let it investigate us and it flies away unprovoked.

I've begun to introduce moderation into my life.

Do I really need a huge energy drink or will a small one do just as well at half the price?

Do I need to eat until I'm full, or will one slice of pizza keep me going until I have access to a more sustainable food source?

Taking that extra half second to consider such things gives me the opportunity to slow my brain down, effectively reducing my impulsivity.

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