
Friday, December 23, 2016

The official commencement of chapter two...

Okay, so extremes aren't working for me. They've never worked for me, so why should I assume that they would work for me now? The result of trying to do a complete technology fast has resulted in a technology binge, further resulting in the desire to say 'fuck everything' and just move into the woods and stay high all day.

I'm still sober. _ days now.

Fortunately, the Universe has a number of fail safes in place. One of them is that if I don't decide to detach with love from those things which are destructive to me, it takes them away from me whether I like it or not.

One experience in the last three days remains completely untainted by confusion beyond any reasonable explanation.

Oh, yes. Mercury is now in retrograde.

Anyway, I have reached the first enlightenment. This is irrefutable. I did mention that to express it directly would be a violation of the 25 House Rules, which I'll explain in another post (sweet, now I have at least direction, maybe even a format for the next 25 posts).

However, I've meditated on this and feel I should just come out with it, anyway.

There is no higher purpose than service to others.

The reason that revealing this does not violate the 25 laws under which the Universe operates is that we learn best through direct experience. I can tell you that service to others is the highest purpose, but it would lead to no more knowledge and awe than I had come to know before I had the first of what I believe to be a number of spiritual awakenings at various check-points along a specific spiritual path.

This marks the real start of the second chapter of this blog. I had an experience, and I will try to show you as many angles of that experience as humanly possible. Knowledge is knowing how to brush your teeth. Wisdom is showing someone else how to do it by doing it yourself.

Whatever you may come to know as a result of these posts, I would remind you that to scrutinize the hell out of that knowledge may hold the potential to afford you wisdom you never knew you had.

Just keep following, keep feeling, and I'll be back tomorrow with the first installment of a 25-part series entitled: Quantum Exposed: Wresting Color from the Canvas.

See you on Facebook and Tumblr!

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