
Thursday, December 29, 2016

Quantum Exposed: Wresting Color from the Canvas; 3

This 'House Rule' and others can be found in Dan Millman's book Living on Purpose. I accredit all direct quotations regarding the House Rules to Dan Millman. The subsequent lay analysis is mine. I want to be clear on one thing: I am not being paid to convey the information contained herewith. My intention is to use the concepts contained herewith to give my more ambitious readers, including myself, a Universal Law on which to reflect daily.


1. Earth is a school and daily life is our classroom
2. Our teachers appear in many forms
3. We learn best through direct experience

This is the House Rule I was referring to when I mentioned that to describe the experience I had with the first enlightenment would be a violation of the House Rules. Knowledge and wisdom are very different animals. You know how to brush your teeth. Wisdom is actually doing it, and the Highest Wisdom would be showing someone else how to do it.

Before I picked up my first cigarette (a habit with which I still wrestle on a regular basis) I knew they were addicting. It took taking my first puff, then wanting to stop and not being able to, to understand what that meant. I had ignored the ominous warnings by those closest to me and chose to purchase a package of cigars on my eighteenth birthday. Why couldn't I have foregone the temptation knowing that it could lead me to cigarettes?

Because I hadn't quite come into the full awareness of, and by extension lacked appreciation for, the danger inherent in the decision.

There will be a second post on this House Rule, highlighting my understanding that most experiences are inherently positive, but I wanted to use the cigarette analogy to draw a clear line in the sand. You can never truly know something without having first experienced it on your own.

Can you think of some positive things in your life for which you are grateful to have had direct experience with instead of knowledge alone?

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