...takes about five minutes the first time you do it, and you can do it for as long as you want.
The most significant benefit of this type of meditation is that it separates your body from your soul as you remain consciously aware of both.
It's hard to explain, so bear with me.
Start in a laying position. I'm most comfortable doing this type of meditation in bed at night because I know I will not be interrupted.
Close your eyes.
Take three slow deep breaths, focusing only on the feeling of air enetering and exiting your lungs. You can use a mantra if you wish to help you maintain focus, but it's not required.
Repeat this until you become aware that your breathing is now involuntary. Your primordial brain will tell you to take conscious control of the rythm.
Focus on the top of your head with your next inward breath. You will note a fine vibration, caused by circulation.
When you breathe out, relax the top of your head.
Focus on your forehead with your next inward breath. You will note a fine vibration, caused by circulation.
Breathe in.
When you breathe out, relax your forehead.
Proceed by addressing the following parts of the body in order, feeling for the vibration, and subsequently relaxing each of these. The vibration will grow more evident as you address each part of the body:
1. Cheeks
2. Tongue
3. Lips
4. Jaw
5. Outer throat
6. Inner throat
7. Shoulders
8. Biceps and triceps
9. Forearm
10. Palms
11. Fingers
12. Chest
13. Upper Abdomen
14. Lower Abdomen
15. Femur
By now, the vibration should be very apparent. This vibration will feel good, euphoric even. The first place that you will feel euphoria is in your core.
Relax your core.
16. Knees
17. Calfs
18. Ankles
19. Feet Arches
20. Sole of Foot
Of all parts of the body, the bottoms of your feet will be most receptive to the vibration.
1. Feel as though your feet are no longer there.
2. Feel as though your calfs are no longer there.
Slowly move up your body imaginging that each body part is no longer there. This is where the most apparent substance of the meditation lies. As you will each body part out of existence, your brain will be relieved of all the stress stored within the cells of those body parts.
When you reach your hips, starts with your hands and wrists. When you reach your shoulder, begin at your core.
Last to go is your head.
Imagine that your head is no longer there.
This is your soul meditating.
At this time, feel free to lay in the warm sand on a tropical island, or feel your body floating freely underwater, moved (no volunary movement) by a warm current.
Return your attention the feel of your breath moving into and out of your lungs.
Stay in this dream location for as long as you like.
When you wish to pull yourself from this meditative state, count backwards from 3, with enough time between counts to acknowledge that you are voluntary "surfacing," Include the zero in your count. When you reach zero, you will have become fully aware of your consciousness.
Open your eyes.
See you on Facebook and Tumblr! starliper.corey@gmail.com
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