
Saturday, December 3, 2016

Welcome aboard, Kevin...making light of mortal finality...

I tried to come up with something less prosaic but it's 9:45pm and I didn't want you to miss the tribute. 

I may not have a black belt in spirituality, but in having high functioning autism, I have a unique perspective on the world. It's one that I've never been afforded the opportunity to show people. As I said, I went from being picked last in kickball to "go upstairs and pass out, you're ruining my house party."

So I write.

The most important perspective in my life right now seems to revolve around the concept of death. There have been numerous deaths in my life lately, be they family, fictional (Stephen King regularly incorporates death and morality into his work),'s a topic that most people stress over.

Truthfully, I'm more afraid of not having my vape on me when I need it than being instantaneously scooped from this reality and deposited somewhere in oblivion. Frankly, fear of death amuses me. Many people have expressed to me the intense anxiety that wells up within them when they muse that there might be nothing after death.

Hey, question guys. Did it bother any of you before you were born?

I'm no longer afraid of eternity because the present moment is the only moment we have at our disposal. There is no future. There is no past, but to categorize, to assign, to own, to master, is in our most basic nature as human beings. 

That being said, we are, as a group, one of I believe several hundred billion species on this giant rotating rock that we call Earth, and thus far, the only species that we know of who gives any consideration to the reality that someday, each and every one of us will expire.

To spend time worrying about what happens in the realm that we call 'later' is to waste moments which can never be recovered, and it's infinitely more self-defeating to waste those moments worrying about something as unavoidable as death. 

Were there no death, then no good would come. Dead leaves blown from trees in the fall break down and fertilize trees in the spring. Death also reminds us that the state of being alive is part of the natural cycle of things. 

What we are doing here is truthfully none of our business. We were conceived by powers so far beyond the scope of our understanding that the very thought of immortality can drive the best of us completely batshit crazy.

Acceptance is the answer. Nice to meet you, good to be seen, better than being viewed :)

Welcome aboard, dude. Enjoy the insanity while there is yet still time.

See you on Facebook and Tumblr!

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