
Sunday, October 9, 2016

Finally settled in...(Part 2 in the Testing Series)

...I did a bit of pruning in some key areas of my blog-promoting-high-octane life last night. One of them was my association with Tumblr, which I have completely severed. What a horribly confusing platform!

Also, I've decided to stop actively promoting this blog (expending more energy than needed rather than just posting it on Facebook for people to feast upon at their convenience) and to just let readers come to me if the Universe wills it to be so. I know I mentioned that I was going to do this before but it took me a few days to settle into the prospect of letting go, which is, quite honestly, usually very difficult for me. In this case, I'm trusting something that isn't all powerful high and mighty Me to make things happen. A scary, however, freeing prospect that I intend to cling to. How freaking ironic.

For all intents and purposes, this blog is mine. It is an outlet for my spiritual stress but it's also a great way to record fond memories. Why have I been denying myself the opportunity to inject personal embellishments into this fine media instead of just teaching lessons? As Millman expressed that it's natural to zone into and out of spirituality, I need to do the same for my readers. Not everyone is going to latch onto everything I write. They may enjoy it but they may not be ready to hear it. Wouldn't it make more sense to just write like I am now, to let it flow and see if anyone else operates on the same spiritual tides as I?

It has been suggested to me a couple times now that I take all of my blog posts and put them into a book, say, after a year, and to sell it. I think I'll wait until I have enough of an audience to make publication worth my time and effort, but I'll definitely keep it in mind. Nonetheless, if I don't incorporate personal substance into these posts, nobody will be interested in buying the book, anyway. There has to be some plot, doesn't there? Am I laying the groundwork, as we speak, for an appropriate template. It occurs to me that I certainly have a fine introduction going...32-year old man embarks on emotional journey with the public and struggles to get the blog on it's feet! It has kind of a nice ring to it.

I asked a girl that I met online to promote this blog for me. She said she would and I was all excited. I sent her the link and a minute later she told me "it was great." No emotional emphasis, no exclamation points, no questions about it. So I looked at my dashboard.

She didn't even open the link!

This type of horse shit is what has now prompted me to promote this blog hand to hand, through personal relationships and third party representation and to make honest, lay contributions to it instead of grasping at straws. This blog is all about expending less energy on a more focused causal link, so let's slow things down a bit and see where it all goes.

See you on Facebook!

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